So this still apparently occupies space on the internet.

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That’s right. This blog was dead for so long that I had honestly completely forgotten about it until I rediscovered my Twitter via an email in my spam folder. I think that since it’s not dead yet I’ll have a look at it and maybe update it more often. I’ve tried a few random other sites such for posting thoughts, but whenever I publish anything to a relatively popular place it just feels weird. So here I am again in this wonderful trove of memorabilia. I’m here to maybe revive this site, maybe start a new one.

… I’ll probably start a new one.


A weird dream.

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I just had a dream about limbo, the place you go to after you die and before you go to wherever it is you deserve. Limbo is different for everyone, but I love the limbo I dreamed of. What happened was, in another dream, I had been killed somehow that I can’t remember now, but immediately was into the next where I stood in front of a humongous hotel with only one small room big enough for me and 4 other companions who were an interesting bunch because there was a viking, a chinese man, a small girl, and another boy around my age. I never did talk to them, now that I think about it. In any case, there was a man in traditional hotel employee garb standing outside the only entrance to the hotel room, the window, who looked like he was in his 20’s or 30’s with a small afro on his head. He told us to go inside, find a seat, and grab a book to read until we were judged. We climbed one by one into the window and inside there was just enough furniture for each of us to sit on, and all of them were couches or puffy chairs. I myself stretched across a couch while the others sat down, but before I did, I found what looked like a children’s book sitting on a nightstand next to it. Opening the book, all of the acknowledgements and prior notes to the story inside of it were jokes that seemed directed at me. I continued on, but I didn’t get to the first chapter and just opened up to the middle. The weird part was that, while i was turning the pages, the book had a small icon that glowed when I reached the end of a page and knew when I was going to change it. As I flipped through the book, page by page, I read about my own memories and the book told the exact tale of my life. There was even a part in it where I saw myself in Washington DC as a child and it had written down a conversation between me and someone else word for word. Only, it didn’t really write it down, but I literally saw the scene in my head, but not from my own first-person view. I looked in on it like it was a movie being filmed. As I read on, I became sleepier and sleepier until I couldn’t focus on the pages anymore and fell back on the couch, asleep. That’s when I woke up.

What freaks me out about this dream is not that it’s completely crazy and most likely isn’t possible, but it’s that the whole time I was reading the book, I knew that I couldn’t reach the ending and instead would fall asleep before that. Apparently, when you wake up from that sleep on whatever you sit down on, you’ll have been judged on the contents of the book and sent where you need to. The books come in any size and shape and it doesn’t matter which one you pick up because it will always be the one full of your memories and story, written in the style perfect for you, and full of just enough pages to fit the whole story. The “children’s book” sized book that I picked up looked like it had around 20 pages, but I could have sworn I fell asleep on page 50 or 60. Luckily, I finished this in time, because I’m forgetting the dream now and need to post this before I forget. Happy sleeping, everyone.


Pointless Paragraphs Post

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Life is full of little surprises. Unfortunately, they’re all relatively boring ones. I don’t think I’ve have a decent surprise in a long, long time. The thing is, I can’t work myself up to getting surprise. Yes, there’s physical jumps due to reflexes at shock, but not really surprises. It’s probably just due to my tired boredom here, but I feel like rambling for a bit again.

The internet is… well, the internet. A cesspool of vibrant ideas, communication, and just about everything wrong with the mind. With the invention of Anonymous, people are given the power to do as they wish without many repercussions whatsoever. Only when the animosity is removed do we see punish people for demonstrating the darker parts of their mind. They say that if you truly want to know a person than give them power without punishment for a while. Let me tell you, that’s how you see someone at their worst, not who they truly are. Then again, the only way to know who a person is is to be that person. The only way you can get close is by being a true friend. But, in order to do that you need to be true to yourself as well.

It’s almost funny how people worry about drama. I’m sitting high and mighty having fun basically everyday and peacefully laughing up a storm without really getting in much trouble (besides grades) by just being a big nerd. You would not believe how fun it is to just hang out with some guys from my math class and joke around playing a fake game of D&D using random number generators on the calculators. Or, I’ve even gotten a free World of Warcraft account. It’s addicting, but there’s nothing else really wrong with it. It’s fun and there’s nothing wrong with that. Here’s the key to having fun; do what you want, with who you want, and however you want to do it and NEVER regret it. If for a moment you think you might regret it, then don’t do it whatever it is. I’ve done this for more than half the year and haven’t had any drama. At all. Drama only exists with regret. If you regret something, then that thing will spread (as all things do) and it will drive you crazy with you thinking people are judging you off that.

People don’t really care. It’s sad but it’s true. If you don’t believe me then look at yourself. Can you honestly tell yourself that you’ve heard gossip about someone you don’t really know and forever your view can suddenly never change about them? If they did something as bad as murder, maybe. If they lost their mind maybe. But if all they did was “kiss So-And-So,” then you’re not gonna really think twice about it, really. In fact, you’ll probably forget about it unless you intentionally put it to memory, for some reason. I don’t mean to be sadistic, but people don’t have very good memories when it comes to things like that.

To sum up this rambling amount of short paragraphs, just be yourself and don’t regret whatever it is you do. In the end, it most likely won’t ruin your life to have a little fun here and there.


Philosophical Post!

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Philosophy is a study of understanding and theories based on made-up answers to the questions; who, what, when, where, and most of all, why. This post is supposed to be about a philosophical question that I randomly thought up today during my 7 hours of stagecraft (along with 7 hours of school) that I just got home from. Man, spending 14 hours of your day at school for two days straight makes you think about stuff. The only thing I don’t like about philosophy is that often the questions are irrelevant. Even worse, the answers don’t even have to make sense since they’re really only theories backed by other theories. The only good thing that mostly certain that has come from philosophy is science, and sometimes even that can be iffy. On the other side of the spectrum of things that came from philosophy is religion which was best stated as, “the continuous view kept in check by the refusal of observation.” Philosophy is the reason we are considered ‘human,’ however, because a robot with the ability to converse and ‘think’ only has the capability to solve problems with the best answer, not come up with new ones out of nowhere. Philosophy cannot be given through mathematical equations because there is no real ability to generate random numbers from nothing without real thought. Even random number generators have an equation they follow in order to seem random. I can tell this because every time I start one up on my calculator between 1 and 20, it always uses 19 first. Every single time. If you think about it, it’s actually a sort of magic. Think of any number. Tomorrow ask a friend to think of any number and compare your answers. I can almost promise you they won’t be the same the first time.

Anyway, there wasn’t any real meaning to any of this post. I just needed to rant for a while for no good reason. I guess I never got around to that question I was pondering earlier. In case you were curious, it was, “Why do people do what they do?” It’s ironic, actually, when you think about it. Either way, thank you for reading this wall of text and maybe I’ll post something sooner next time since apparently someone with a surprisingly familiar username actually reads this in whatever free time they have. If it’s who I think it is, then from what I remember, they always complained about being too busy. But, that’s enough said.


My Yearly Summers

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Only about one person other than myself ever looks at this page and that’s because it’s basically dead since we never update it. Since that one person is the other person who runs this immobile page on the internet, it doesn’t really hold much ground. Anyway, I might at well get on with what I was going to say here since I just write here to get things off my chest when I really feel like it.

I think my body naturally goes through two summers every year. I’m not saying that in the middle of winter that all of the snow vanishes and the entire rotation of the Earth flips for a while. What I’m saying is that my body, during the winter, starts making me act like I would during the summer. In the summer I lounge about with a whole 3 months of sleeping in, lounging about, wandering and never wanting to do anything. Pretty much a sloth’s life. Then, when the “partying” is over and school starts again, I get into a groove of keeping up with everything for a while; getting straight A’s, having some social issues with everyone, but generally enjoying finally doing something. Unfortunately, a little while after New Years my mind thinks that the year, since it’s the second half of school, is nearly done and that it’s, “all down-hill from here.” It then proceeds to provoke lethargy in everything I do for a while until my grades turn to F’s and my social climate vanishes completely. This is what I call my, “second summer.” It’s really the bane of my existence and I try each year to avoid it, but no matter how hard I remind myself, I can’t stop it from coming. Immediately after this “second summer,” luckily things start to turn around. By this point my parents are incredibly mad that my grades have slipped so far and bother me to no end  to catch up on assignments (a trick I’ve had years of experience in) and eventually the psychological inertia I’ve built for myself pushes me through to graduate the year with passing grades at best. Sadly, this balanced matter of energy is incredibly annoying for myself and others and I feel that it will plague me for my years of school forevermore.

But the world is null and we’re all to blame.


Silly Blog:

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Unimportant things are for Facebook!



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Crazy, I know.


LIFE SUX… then gets better

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I just dealt with a big breakup of sorts. Life sucks.



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Soooooooooooo booooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeed…

so bored.


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